A Midyear Assessment of My 2017 Arbitration Predictions: Look, Mom. Straight “A” Grades So Far By George H. Friedman* Chairman of the Board – Arbitration Resolution Services Toward the end of last year, I authored a blog post, Consumer and Employment Arbitration: Six Things to look for in 2017. I updated my prognostications around Inauguration…

The “First Hundred Days” of the Trump Administration are Over – Much Ado in the Arbitration and Financial Worlds By George H. Friedman* Chairman of the Board – Arbitration Resolution Services [This analysis by the author was originally published in the Securities Arbitration Commentator  blog. Reposted with permission of and thanks to SAC!] Time certainly…

By George H. Friedman* Chairman of the Board – Arbitration Resolution Services [This analysis by the author was originally published in the Securities Arbitration Commentator. Reposted with permission of and thanks to SAC!] I’m baaack! Below is an update of my previous guest analysis. The ten bills – all anti-arbitration and all introduced by Democrats…

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